This is a city site that tells about Kazan in such a way
like it's a real capital
"Inde" is a project that tells about Tatarstan and Kazan in such a way that you want to move there. More than a year ago, the editorial office of the publication was headed by Ksenia Lukicheva, a legendary person in the Russian media. It was she who made the Adme website about advertising and entertainment, she created the magazine "Titr" for the ivi platform, and she also taught regional editors to go beyond the regional "churn".
Since 2021, Ksenia Lukicheva has not worked at Inda. Now she works with KazanExpress, but she is still one of the best editors in Russia.
Ksenia, the first and main question that I have long overdue is what does the word "Inde" mean?
- "Inde". Among the Tatars, almost all words have an accent on the last syllable. "Inde" is such an interjection. If you literally translate it, it's something like "already". But we use it both in the tail and in the mane - like a Russian mat, the word "inde" can have many meanings, depending on intonation or context. For example, someone says to you: "I've never watched The Lord of the Rings" - and you're like: "Indeee" [pronounced disapprovingly - approx. in places]. Or, let's say: "Where is the report for last month?" — "Yes, I will do inde!"
That is, this is a real word that is present at the everyday level in the Tatar language?
— Yes, since we live in Tatarstan in conditions of bilingualism, we have the opportunity to color our speech. Sometimes we use Tatar words in Russian, or vice versa.
I understand correctly that "Inde" as a publication appeared as part of the urban project of Natalia Fishman in Tatarstan [former adviser to the Moscow Department of Culture under Sergei Kapkov, since 2015, as an assistant to the president of Tatarstan, has been engaged in projects of modern improvement in the cities of the republic - ed. Mestamedia]?
- How exactly "Inde" appeared, I cannot tell - it was without me, in January 2016, and I have been here for a little over a year.
Is this an independent publication?
- We are lifestyle media. We do not have and did not have any task to climb or not to climb into politics. Although we are very worried about the city - even before my arrival, the guys raised an important social movement here.
How many people work now in the editorial office?
- Twelve.
Due to what lives "Inde"? Why am I asking about this - your predecessor as editor-in-chief was from Moscow [Felix Sandalov worked in the Afisha magazine before moving to Inde], you are a federal figure. Where are the firewood from? Where does the regional site get the money for such cool dudes?
— Oh, come on! We are trying to pay for ourselves. I'll tell you honestly - the salary is small.
Is she small by Tatarstan standards?
- No, by Tatarstan standards, it is normal. But compared to what I used to earn, now this amount is much less. But, firstly, I adore Inde from the moment it was launched - I always read it, therefore, I accepted the offer to work here as a great honor. And secondly, many of my acquaintances, leaving one job in the field of media, cannot find a new place for a very long time - as if there is some kind of crisis in the industry that we are not told about. I was unemployed for two months after Freedom Square. Compared to my other shifts, this is a very long time. I used to leave from somewhere, wrote: "Dudes, I'm looking for a job!" - and immediately chose from the offers. This year, neither I nor my other acquaintances who work in the media had not only blockages, but even the necessary minimum of proposals.
How do you yourself think, "Freedom Square" - the media that you did a few months before Inde, was it a successful project?
— In my opinion, yes. He had a future. But it took time to settle down in order to develop the final strategy, build an audience and start earning.
Why was your team not given this time?
- We have a vision of the future project with investors.
In your practice - not personally with you, but in general in the market, for which you, I think, observe how often such things happened when an ambitious project was announced and launched - but suddenly everything collapsed, because the team that makes the project , and the investor who invests his money or orders this whole story, disagree on the future of the project - already in the process of sailing, so to speak?
— Well, for example, after we left Ploshchad, an even more interesting incident happened: they relaunched a project about IT and technology with pomp, everyone wished them good luck, because a very cool, experienced team had gathered there - and already a month later, the investor simply stopped communicating and scammed everyone.
Why can this happen to a media startup, do you think?
- There can be a lot of reasons, for example, the investor understands that he got involved in all this in vain. Media is always a long-running story. This is not the launch of a production line where you can buy equipment, arrange the supply of raw materials and build a scheme for the production of, for example, milk - and everything started, you recaptured all investments in the predicted time. In the media, the average time not even for a return on investment, but simply for understanding whether a project will "buzz" or not is 3-5 years. And when negotiations are being held with investors, you repeat to them several times: "Dudes, three to five years, three to five years!" - they nod their heads, and then suddenly, when the process is already running, they decide that it is somehow long. Long, expensive and incomprehensible.
That is, there are no investors in the media, but only sponsors?
— Probably, yes. Investing in media pays off for a very long time - and well, if at all.
There is such a Dutch project, you may have heard - de Correspondent. Initially, they started with this: experienced journalists "with names" almost a year before the launch announced that they would make their own media project according to their own rules and invited everyone to subscribe to it now. As a result, when they still had nothing at all - only names - they received several million euros - from readers, not from investors. Do you think that in Russia such a project can "buzz" if Leonid Parfyonov, Ksenia Lukicheva, Yuri Dud say: "We are launching our own cool media, give us your subscription money in advance" - and people will go to invest in them purely for names - exactly how are the readers?
- Let's first discuss that I do not have a name, but a small name - in comparison with Parfyonov, who is a name with a capital letter and strength. If Parfenov launched such media, it would work, because millions watch and adore him. If I said so, it's unlikely. This is the first. Secondly, I immediately remembered the story with Dozhd: they also tried to work on a subscription model. Now they live on donations - and this shows a slightly more efficient economic model than a subscription.
mestamedia - 4 - lukicheva
Media is always a long-running story. Long, expensive and incomprehensible
But donations are, after all, a "receipt" that the viewer and reader share the ideology of the publication, but the content that this media produces is not particularly important to him.
- Not only. A subscriber is a person who goes behind the paywall. And now Dozhd has opened its broadcasts to everyone - and if you like their content, you can transfer money to them. And, as it turned out, people give even more willingly.
Tell me, how developed is local journalism in Tatarstan?
— A contradictory situation has developed here: we have a very saturated media market, but there are few professionals, both in terms of management and journalism. Any regional editor, when asked about personnel, will start crying into your vest. We have a lot of socio-political publications: Kazanfest, Business Online, Realnoe Vremya, InKazan, Idel.Realii - you can go wild with the number of Kazan media. We even have lifestyle media - and then there are two: us and Enter.
You have always been geographically located in Kazan - even when you worked for large projects, such as the Network of City Portals, which are not represented in Tatarstan. Why?
— I have lived in Tatarstan all my life. I love - there is no strength, this is my home and the best place on Earth. And - this is not an assumption, but a fact - you can also do cool things from the provinces. When I worked at Adme, the only editorial office at that time was located in Kazan, in a residential area. When I was making the Titr online magazine for the ivi online cinema, we opened an office in Kazan. Cool media can be made not in the capital - look at the Ulyanovsk Lifehacker or, well, the same "" that makes texts at the federal level - from Novosibirsk. As they say in Tatarstan, "Bez buldyrabyz" - Yes we can.
And in principle, would you advise young people now to go and gain experience in regional journalism? After all, there is a standard story when a journalism graduate immediately leaves for Moscow, because he will not learn anything in a regional newspaper or on a website.
- Look, I'm a journalism graduate, I didn't go anywhere. I believe that it is not the place that makes the man, but the man the place. I don't like that many people want to leave for Moscow - yes, it is rubber and will accommodate everyone, but I have been carrying this position for quite a long time, and I have several people who thank me and curse me for it: when a person whines that his city or the country is not so good and they leave, they make this place even worse. You are young and talented, and if you leave, who will make your city better instead of you? I always cite Yekaterinburg as an example - that's where talents leave very rarely. The most daring journalism is in Yekaterinburg, the most daring people are in Yekaterinburg - they stood up and forbade them to take away the square from them. This is because passionate people do not leave there, they make the place in which they live better. Let's assume that this is also why I am not leaving Kazan. The place where we live is worth fighting for.
Интервью: Александр Жиров
Фото: Галина Овчинникова
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